Sunday 8 March 2009

Original Design

I feel that now that I have talked about how I made my animation it is important to talk about how it has ended up in relation to how I originally planned it out in my storey board. From the storey board I have use all of the elements that I wished to use, the three that I talked about is Hello Kitty smiling, waving and doing the garden however I did add another action in. The action that I have added that wasn’t in the storey board is Hello Kitty winking, the reason for me adding this in as I have talked about in a previous post is from watching more Hello Kitty animations, and noticing that she tended to wink on several occasions, this seemed like a good idea to add in a winking motion into my animation. If I am talking about my final product in relation to my initial idea then it has changed a huge amount as my initial idea was to have a DJ. The main reason that I did not use this as my final product is that when I made a design of the animation instead of making a character based film I made an object based film, this lead me to think I should maybe change to a situation where a character could be the main focal point. I am happy with how the final product turned out, I feel that preparation with the design of Hello Kitty was good as I created a method to draw Hello kitty using the straight line tool and I kept the method consistent throughout. One of the main reason for me creating this character is due to my nieces interest in Hello Kitty and I thought that it would be nice if u could show her something that I have created that resembles Hello Kitty.

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